Monday, December 04, 2006


Un verbo modal es un tipo de verbo auxiliar, seguido por la forma base del verbo principal. A estos verbos también se les llama defectivos, ya que carecen de terminaciones, participios y algunos tiempos.

•Se usan como auxiliares de otros verbos y expresan duda, certeza, posibilidad, habilidad, obligación, consejo recomendación y permiso.
•No experimentan variación alguna en persona. Ejemplo: I can, You can, He can, She can, …
•La forma interrogativa y negativa se construyen como en los verbos auxiliares. Ejemplo: Could you come tomorrow?

•Los verbos modales sólo presentan dos formas básicas presente y pasado, (Can-Could).
•Van seguido de un infinitivo sin To.
•Para negar se agrega la partícula not después del verbo modal.
Ejemplo: Can not = can´t
Should not = shouldn’t
•Al ser verbos auxiliares se usan también para formular preguntas.
Ejemplo: Can you swim very well?

A continuación se presentan las de usos de los verbos modales:

Verbo modal Ejemplos Usos o referencia
* Can •Can I use your phone? * Permiso
•This solid can vaporize when heated. * Habilidad
•Can you give me the training? * Solicitud
•Government can limit imports. *Posibilidad
•This fuel tank can contain 20 liters of fuel. *Capacidad
*Could *Could they use your office? *Permiso
*Could you supervise the operation? *Solicitud
*You could transfer it to Caracas. *Sugerencia
*It could break into pieces. *Posibilidad
*I could swim very well when I was a child *Habilidad (pasada)
*May *The flight may take a long time. *Posibilidad
*May workers have a free day? * Permiso
*Might *The manufacturers might increase the * Posibilidad futura
production of aircrafts.
*Would *Would you check the fuel tanks, please? *Solicitud
*Where would you like to go? *Oferta
*Would like to go to the movies with me? *Invitación
*We would reduce the price if you pay in cash. *Condición
*Should *You should enter the correct key to open *Recomendación
the system.
*The safety inspector should be responsible
for reporting the accidents.
*Must *Citizens must pay taxes. *Obligación
*Every aircraft must be checked before flying.


Subraye la frase verbal. Luego traduzca las oraciones.
The workers must not smoke in this area.
2.Perhaps, you should change your plan.
3.That instrument may not be adequate for determining the amount of fuel in the tank.
4.All the wires the aircraft uses, should be very resistent.

5. The new helicopter system will enforce our Air force Defense.
6. Both the mechanic and the pilot should have a short conversation before flying together.
7. Unequal fuel flow from each tank may occur if the wings are not maintained exactly level.
8. Lack of oil pressure can cause serious engine damage.

9. The magneto check should be made at 1700 RPM.
10. Can people attend to the meeting?
11. The carburator ice can be removed by application of full carburator heat.
12. The pilots must attend all the meetings before flying.
13. The carburator heat control knob should be pushed full in during all ground operations.
14. You must not open the valve inmediately.
15. Your general health should be good if you are going to fly at high altitudes.
16. The check pilot must be familiar with all the systems of the aircraft.
17. Can you check the checklist, please?
18. The landing checklist should be carefully followed to avoid mistakes or accidents.
19. If you torque the nut in the wrong direction it could break.


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